Our Services

Professional Painting Services

From the planning stage through the actual work, cleanup and final inspection, we want you be 100% satisfied with our work. We guarantee your satisfaction and to help ensure we meet our guarantee, every detail is carefully planned to meet your needs and vision.

We will schedule your painting project, discuss payment procedures and offer a color consultation. Once everything is confirmed for the project, we will contact you with an official outline of the painting project for you to review before day one of the project.

Fertige Projekte
Zufriedene Kunden
Zufriedene Unternehmen

Unser Service

Superior painting comes down to using exceptional quality products and applying them with a seasoned expertise and refined technique.


Telefon +49 (0) 27 37 - 9 36 17
Telefax + 49 (0) 27 37 - 98 20 02
E-mail: info@malermeister-vitt.de
Hasenbergstrasse 17
57234 Wilnsdorf-Gernsdorf


Malermeister / Restaurateur
Christian Vitt

Christian Vitt © 2017. Gestaltet und erstellt von www.dornseiffer-gmbh.de

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